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  • 姓名:尹海清
  • 梯队:材料设计团队
  • 职称:教授
  • 职务:实验室副主任
  • 办公地点:科技楼203
  • 办公电话:
  • 传真:
  • 电子邮件:hqyin@ustb.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:粉末冶金、材料数据


工学博士、教授、博士生导师。长期从事粉末冶金、材料数据与数据库建设、第一性原理计算与模拟等领域的研究工作,主持和参与承担完成了国家973 计划、国家科技基础条件平台建设项目、863 计划、国家自然科学基金项目、民口配套项目和Kennametal-USTB国际合作科研项目10余 项。获省部级科技成果奖一等奖1项,二等奖1项。1996 年毕业于西安交通大学材料科学与工程学院,1996-2000 年在北京化工大学任讲师,2000-2002年在日本大阪大学做客座研究员,从事三维金刚石结构的TiO2陶瓷基光子晶体的研究。2002年至今在北京科技大学材料学院,主要从事粉末冶金新技术的研究和材料数据库的建设研究。 2011年在国际上粉末冶金研究领域最具影响力的美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学CISP做访问学者。2006 年入选北京市科技新星计划。现任亚洲材料数据委员会(AMDC)委员,中方联络人,《粉末冶金工业》编委。北京市女教授联谊会成员。发表论文40余篇,SCI收录20余篇,EI收录30余篇。


金属与陶瓷粉末的微注射成形技术研究(Micro Powder Injection Molding);
无钨硬质合金的开发与应用研究(Substitutes of W in WC-Co Cemented Carbides);
彩色陶瓷制备的机理与应用研究(Mechanism & application of color ceramics) ;
材料科学数据、数据库及平台的建设与深度应用开发(Materials Data & Database);
粉末高速压制成形技术(High velocity Compaction)


1.Yin Haiqing, Zhang Ruijie, Liu Guoquan, Qu Xuanhui, Xie Jianxin. Development of the Materials Databases. Journal of Chinese Ceramic Society, 2014,1(1):48-52
2.Yi S J, Yin H Q, Zheng J, Khan D F, Qu X H. The first-principles study on the mechanical and electronic properties about rim phase and hard phase of Ti(C,N) based cermets. Computational Material Science, 2013, 79: 417-423.
3.Yi S J, Yin H Q, Chen K, Khan D F, Zheng Q J, Qu X H. Research on microstructure and properties of the nano-TiN modified Ti(C,N)-based cermets fabricated by powder injection molding and die pressing. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2013, 20(11): 1115-1121.
4.Khan DF, Yin HQ, Li H, Qu XH, Khan M, Ali S, Iqbal MZ. Compaction of Ti-6Al-4V powder using high velocity compaction technique, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2013, 50: 479-483.
5.Li He, Dil Faraz Khan, Haiqing Yin, Huiqin Cao, Zainul Abideen, Xuanhui Qu. High velocity compaction of 0.9Al2O3/Cu composite powder, MATERIALS & DESIGN, (Accepted)
6.Khan DF, Yin HQ, Usman Z, Khav M, Yuan XJ, Wang WH, Qu XH. Improvement of a High Velocity Compaction Technique for Iron Powder, ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA-ENGLISH LETTERS, 2013,26(4): 399-403.
7.Khan DF, Yin HQ, Khan M, Asa dullah, Qu XH. Analysis of Density and Mechanical Properties of Iron Powder with Upper Relaxation Assist through High Velocity Compaction, MATERIALS PERFORMANCE, MODELING AND SIMULATION, 2013, 749: 41-46.
8.Xin-lei Ni, Hai-qing Yin, Lin Liu, Shan-jie Yi, and Xuan-hui Qu. Injection molding and debinding of micro gears fabricated by micro powder injection molding, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2013,20(1): 1-6.
9.Haiqing Yin, Guoquan Liu, Xuanhui Qu. From the Powder Metallurgy Data To the Sustainable Development of Materials Database, The 3rd Asian Materials Data Symposium, 2012.04.13-16, Noha, Japan.
10.Xian-jie Yuan, Hai-qing Yin, Rafi-ud Din, Khan D.-F, Xuan-hui Qu. Study on the impact force and green properties of high-velocity compacted aluminum alloy powder, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2012,19(12): 1107-1113.
11.Yin Haiqing, Qing Wang, Qu Xuanhui, Johnson JL. Computational Simulation and Experimental Analysis of the Mold-filling Process in μPIM. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2011,21 (4):045023-045032
12.Xianjie Yuan, YuxuanZhuo, HaiqingYin, JiaGuan, Dil FarazKhan, XuanhuiQu. High Velocity Compaction of Aluminum Powders. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011, 40(S3): 086-089.
13.L Liu, XL Ni, HQ Yin, XH Qu. Study on Binder System for Micro Powder Injection Molding of ZrO2 Ceramic. Materials Science Forum, 2012, 706-709: 1948-1954
14.Haiqing Yin. Design and Development of Materials Database for Powder Metallurgy, The 2nd Asian Materials Database Symposium, 2010.03.10-14, Sanya, China
15.Tong JY, Yin HQ, Qu XH, Wang Q. Factors affecting the replication quality of micro metal gears produced by -PIM. Microsystem Technology. 2010,16(3):391-397
16.Yin Haiqing, Qu Xuanhui, Jia Chengchang, Zhou Shengyu, Wang Jianzhong, Liu Yixiong. The shock wave in high velocity compaction of iron powders, TMS Annual Meeting, 2009,3:677-683
17.Wang JZ, Yin HQ, Qu XH, Johnson JL. Effect of multiple impacts on high velocity pressed iron powder. Powder Technology, 2009,195 (3): 184-189
18.Wang Q, Yin HQ, Qu XH, Johnson JL. Effects of mold dimensions on rheological of feedstock in micro powder injection molding. Powder Technology, 2009,193 (1): 15-19
19.Yi Mingjun, Yin Haiqing, Qu Xuanhui. Comparative research on high-velocity compaction and conventional rigid die compaction, Frontiers of Materials Science in China, 2009, 3(4): 392-396
20.Wang JZ, Yin HQ, Qu XH . Analysis of density and mechanical properties of high velocity compacted iron powder. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2009,22 (6):447-453
21.Wang JZ, Yin HQ, Qu XH. Effect of powder particle size on green properties and stress wave, Frontiers of Materials Science in China, 2009, 3(3): 319-324
22.Yin HQ, Qu XH, Jia CC. Fabrication of micro gear wheels by micro powder injection molding. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2008,15 (4): 480-483
23.YIN Haiqing, JIA Chengchang, Qu Xuanhui